Photographing my travels

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Oban to Barra

I stayed at the Invercloy Guest House in Oban.  Not en suite and no breakfast but the room was very comfortable with a beautiful view and a great welcome.  I had fresh scallops cooked in front of me at one of the stalls on the harbour front in the evening and breakfast at Carolyn's cafe.  I searched for a good espresso cafe.  There is a lot of choice but both the Dolce Vita and Julie's cafe were overpriced at £2.45.  I went to the Chocolate cafe for an excellent double espresso at £1.85.  They do 70% chocolate too and you can choose 4 pieces for under £2.  Caught the ferry to Barra on Wednesday afternoon.  I thought I would be okay re seasickness but the last 2 hours were rough and I had lost my pills! 

Decorations at a local studio

Lots of jellyfish washed up on the beaches

and a glove

There is a jellyfish in this pic too

Invercloy guest house is under McCaigs Tower to left of the chimney.  My room was the middle at the top.

View over Oban

Yet another jellyfish

Artist painting of McCaigs tower with Oban reflected in background

sunlight making the windows look gold

view from my window

Black guillimots - smaller cousins of gullimots
I stayed at Bayview B & B in Castlebay, Barra.  Comfortable room with a good breakfast.  The best restaurant was Cafe Kisimul with an excellent Indian meal one night and fish and chips the next.  My favourite day was spent at Barra airport.  Lots to do there - visit the Cille Barra with it's little chapel, walk along the beaches and climb up to Dun Scurrival.  Apparently the airport have the only barista coffee - according to the staff - the food is excellent too and you get to watch the plane land on the beach.

Catalina plane crash memorial

One of many orchids

tractor parts

A mini jellyfish

Vatersay beach overlooking Sandray

Great fun photographing this rooster and hen
Definitely worth visiting Kisimul castle with a short ferry trip
The chapel and cemetary at Cille Barra

Scurrival beach with daisies

Plane landing

Plane taking off

Masses of burnet moths about

Traigh Eais

More views of the landing strip

This house is on the road to Vatersay near my B & B.  I noticed the swans pecking at the door around 7pm.  I took this earlier in the day with the tortie cats and cygnets in the pic

Ferry coming in

Just down the road from the B & B
Stopped off at Borve beach on Saturday for a walk

View of the machair

I had been looking for cows on the beach and they obliged

I made it to my car before this heavy shower hit the land

Dun Scurrival with view of Traigh Eais

Another pic of the plane coming in to land


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