Photographing my travels

Monday, January 13, 2025

Falklands with Wildlife Worldwide Travel Part 2 Saunders Island

The next island we visited was Saunders Island.  Owned by the Pole-Evans family, who run it as a traditional farm with 6,000 sheep.  I was on the second flight so had time on Pebble downloading images.  Landing on Saunders we were taken to the Neck.  Luckily there was a shelter in way of a cabin with toilets as the rain came down very soon after we started making images.  No gruesome ones on this post.  The petrels later on are eating leftovers not live meat.

The Neck

young King Penguin

Magellanic penguins

Immature King Penguin who herded the Magellanic penguins along the beach
On you go now

Come on, get in line

Now guys, get going

That's right off you go

Two in camera movement images blended

forgotten the name of this gull

Come in the water is lovely

Taken through the window in the shelter

Sheep and Magellanic penguin

Penguins by the shore

Walking up to the Black-browed albatross colony

The next day we were treated to the feeding of the Southern giant petrels at the quay.  After that we were taken to the Rookery to see the penguin shower and more Albatross.


Petrel feeding

Kevin and Linda walking back

walking back to the lodge

Imperial cormorant 

Penguin shower

Foamy sea

Lucky spot of an Albatross chick by the shower

Multiple exposure

Penguins making their way into the sea


I love you


Pete posing in the sunset

Back to the Neck on our last full day.  We were treated to a lovely 'dance' by 2 King Penguins.  They rotated around each other a few times.

A curious Rockhopper

swimming in the pool

Falkland Steamer ducklings

Gentoo colonies 

Protecting the ducklings

The itch

King Penguin dance

Stopped off at the first Settlement on Falkland Islands.  

I was on the second flight again the next day, so spent the time taking loads of background images from the derelict boats on the island.  

I thought this looked like a landscape.  I added the penguins

Spot the plane the first group flew off in

The second beach I swam from.  Had to leave the sea quickly as the caracaras were about to take my socks

Taken by Juliette on Pebble Island.  My first swim.  It was warmer than I expected.

I was knitting when Sue turned up to tell us about the flights.  When she returned to collect us for our flight she brought me a ball of Falkland wool and a pattern.  I will send Sue some wool from Lewis in return.  Just put the wool in the envelope and will post tomorrow (17/1/25).

We flew to Sea Lion Island for more adventures.


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