Photographing my travels

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Townsville, Australia

I was invited by my friends Anne and Rod to spend Easter at Coral Bay in Western Australia. This was a good opportunity to add on a visit to my sister, Ady and family in Townsville. I arrived safely, although there was a quick dash at Brisbane to catch the flight to Townsville, due to a delay from Singapore.

Ady had been to a funeral recently and was describing the tombs at Townsville cemetery. The day after I arrived saw us both at the cemetery for me to take photos. As you can see, the cemetery is by the airport - don't read anything into that. Quantas is, of course, one of the safest airlines.

In the afternoon, Ady's friend Pip drove us to Majors Creek. This is off the road out of Townsville, towards Mt Isa and Charters Towers. We were joined by Mardi and Mandy and Pip's dog, Sammy. We all floated down the river for an hour.

Mandy, Ady, me and Pip

Me with Sammy on my back and Ady

Pip and Mardi

Sammy and frog. The frog jumped onto my hand just after I took this!

Just in case you think the water was brown, this shows how clear it is and you are seeing the sand on the bottom. My hand is under the water.

Ady, Pip and Sammy


A local riding his horse. We met him when we returned to the car, which was parked at the beginning of our journey.

This morning, Ady, her daughter Anna, Pip, her friend Kim and I went to the Heritage tearooms for breakfast. The oldest building left standing in the district.


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